Thursday, January 20, 2011

Near Death Experiences

This is a link to a full episode of the show 'I Survived... Beyond and Back.' 

People who were legally dead for minutes tell their stories of what they saw and how they felt. It's really interesting to me that although they all have somewhat different experiences, all of them describe feeling so much love, light, warmth, happiness, peace and contentment. One man described his experience as traveling light years in just a few short moments. This is what a woman named Dea said about her experience:

"When that happened to me all the colors just faded away and all the sudden I was out in the cosmos. I saw the stars, I saw the universe, I saw the past, I saw the present and I saw the future all at once. It was like I understood, and it was so beautiful."

Life is meant to be loved. It's our choice when we want to realize this. Why spend your life suffering and worrying, when the inevitable is love

Instead of getting lost in life's labyrinth of dramatics, get lost in loving every single moment of your life!

Incase you've forgotten, here are a few simple ways to enjoy your life:

- Sit under trees all day.
- Eat fresh, raw, colorful fruits and vegetables.
- Run around in the rain.
- Swing on swings.
- Laugh.
- Tell yourself you love yourself everyday. (Some people think this is strange, I don't get it.) 
- Tell the people you love that you love them as much as you can.
- Do something nice for someone as much as you can.
- Look at the sky on a clear night.
- Smile at anyone and everyone! You'd be surprised how often strangers will smile back and it's such a beautiful moment when it happens. 
- And for further reminders, pay attention to children. They have no qualms about loving life. 

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